Interface AddonDispatcher

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AddonDispatcher
Interface for addon dispatchers All addons must implement this and use this to register commands
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Notice: This is not the same as the command prefix in the config, this is the prefix for the addon's commands All commands must still start with the global command prefix, followed by the addon prefix (without space) For example, for a command "example" with addon prefix "ex", the command would be ".ex-example ..."
  • Method Details

    • getDispatcher

      com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher<net.minecraft.command.CommandSource> getDispatcher()
      The addon's command dispatcher
    • getPrefix

      String getPrefix()
      Notice: This is not the same as the command prefix in the config, this is the prefix for the addon's commands All commands must still start with the global command prefix, followed by the addon prefix (without space) For example, for a command "example" with addon prefix "ex", the command would be ".ex-example ..."
      The addon's command prefix