All Classes and Interfaces

Interface for addon dispatchers All addons must implement this and use this to register commands
Boze (API) Instance This class keeps track of all the addons and modules registered by addons It also provides addons a way to register packages and subscribe to events
Enum for cape load results
Capes manager
A helper for sending messages to the client chat
DrawColor This is used for specifying colors for rendering
3D Drawer interface (for 3D rendering)
DrawerText Draws text
Event called when the HUD is being rendered
Event called by addon ToggleableModules when toggled
Friend manager
Globals class
Input Name Provider, used to get the name of a key or button
Interaction Represents an interaction with the server This can be used to rotate, place, or break blocks, interact with entities, etc.
Interface for saving and loading json objects
ModuleHelper provides a way to interact with Boze modules
Place Interaction Represents a place interaction with the server
Rotate Interaction
Interface for serializable objects (settings, modules, etc.)
SlotHelper, for checking and syncing hotbar slot between client and server