All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form
- addFriend(String) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.client.FriendManager
- addFriend(String) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IFriends
- addInteraction(Interaction) - Method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventPlayerUpdate
Adds an interaction to the event interaction queue
- Addon - Class in dev.boze.api.addon
- Addon(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.addon.Addon
- Addon(String, String, String, String, AddonDispatcher) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.addon.Addon
- AddonDispatcher - Interface in dev.boze.api.addon.command
Interface for addon dispatchers All addons must implement this and use this to register commands
- AddonInitializationException - Exception Class in dev.boze.api.exception
- AddonInitializationException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.boze.api.exception.AddonInitializationException
- AddonInitializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class dev.boze.api.exception.AddonInitializationException
- addSource(CapeSource) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapesManager
Add a cape source
- addSource(CapeSource) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.ICapes
- Bind - Interface in dev.boze.api.input
- box(Box, DrawColor) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer3D
Draw a box
- BozeInstance - Class in dev.boze.api
Boze (API) Instance This class keeps track of all the addons and modules registered by addons It also provides addons a way to register packages and subscribe to events
- calculateAngle(Vec3d) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.interaction.RotationHelper
- calculateAngle(Vec3d) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IInteraction
- calculateAngle(Vec3d, Vec3d) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.interaction.RotationHelper
- calculateAngle(Vec3d, Vec3d) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IInteraction
- callback(GameProfile, CapeLoadResult, Identifier) - Method in class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapeSource
Gets called once a profile's cape gets loaded (if URL not null)
- camera - Variable in class dev.boze.api.event.EventWorldRender
- CapeLoadResult - Enum Class in dev.boze.api.client.cape
Enum for cape load results
- CapesManager - Class in dev.boze.api.client.cape
Capes manager
- CapesManager() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapesManager
- CapeSource - Class in dev.boze.api.client.cape
- CapeSource(String) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapeSource
- ChatHelper - Class in dev.boze.api.client
A helper for sending messages to the client chat
- ChatHelper() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.client.ChatHelper
- clone() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
Clone this color
- context - Variable in class dev.boze.api.event.EventHudRender
The current draw context
- create() - Static method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- create(int) - Static method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- create(int, int, int, int) - Static method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- currentSlot() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.interaction.SlotHelper
Get current server-side hotbar slot
- currentSlot() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IInteraction
- DefaultDispatcher - Class in dev.boze.api.addon.command
- DefaultDispatcher(String) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.addon.command.DefaultDispatcher
- delFriend(String) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.client.FriendManager
- delFriend(String) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IFriends
- description - Variable in class dev.boze.api.addon.Addon
- description - Variable in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBase
- dev.boze.api - package dev.boze.api
- dev.boze.api.addon - package dev.boze.api.addon
- dev.boze.api.addon.command - package dev.boze.api.addon.command
- dev.boze.api.addon.event - package dev.boze.api.addon.event
- dev.boze.api.addon.module - package dev.boze.api.addon.module
- dev.boze.api.client - package dev.boze.api.client
- dev.boze.api.client.cape - package dev.boze.api.client.cape
- dev.boze.api.config - package dev.boze.api.config
- dev.boze.api.event - package dev.boze.api.event
- dev.boze.api.exception - package dev.boze.api.exception
- dev.boze.api.input - package dev.boze.api.input
- dev.boze.api.interaction - package dev.boze.api.interaction
- dev.boze.api.internal - package dev.boze.api.internal
- dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces - package dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces
- dev.boze.api.module - package dev.boze.api.module
- dev.boze.api.render - package dev.boze.api.render
- dev.boze.api.setting - package dev.boze.api.setting
- direction - Variable in class dev.boze.api.interaction.PlaceInteraction
- dispatcher - Variable in class dev.boze.api.addon.Addon
- draw(String, double, double, DrawColor) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Draw text
- draw(String, double, double, DrawColor, boolean) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Draw text
- DrawColor - Interface in dev.boze.api.render
DrawColor This is used for specifying colors for rendering
- drawer - Variable in class dev.boze.api.event.EventHudRender
The drawer for 2d rendering
- drawer - Variable in class dev.boze.api.event.EventWorldRender
3D Drawer instance
- Drawer2D - Interface in dev.boze.api.render
- Drawer3D - Interface in dev.boze.api.render
3D Drawer interface (for 3D rendering)
- DrawerText - Interface in dev.boze.api.render
DrawerText Draws text
- equals(Object) - Method in class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapeSource
- Error - Enum constant in enum class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapeLoadResult
Server/website did not respond at all, or there was an error parsing the response
- EventGrim - Class in dev.boze.api.event
- EventGrim() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim
- EventGrim.Interact - Class in dev.boze.api.event
- EventGrim.Rotate - Class in dev.boze.api.event
- EventHudRender - Class in dev.boze.api.event
Event called when the HUD is being rendered
- EventHudRender() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.event.EventHudRender
- EventInput - Class in dev.boze.api.event
- EventInput() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.event.EventInput
- EventPlayerUpdate - Class in dev.boze.api.event
- EventPlayerUpdate() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.event.EventPlayerUpdate
- EventTick - Class in dev.boze.api.event
- EventTick() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.event.EventTick
- EventTick.Post - Class in dev.boze.api.event
- EventTick.Pre - Class in dev.boze.api.event
- EventToggleAddonModule - Class in dev.boze.api.addon.event
Event called by addon ToggleableModules when toggled
- EventToggleAddonModule() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.addon.event.EventToggleAddonModule
- EventWorldRender - Class in dev.boze.api.event
- EventWorldRender() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.event.EventWorldRender
- execute() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.interaction.Interaction
Executes the interaction
- execute() - Method in class dev.boze.api.interaction.PlaceInteraction
Executes the interaction, then runs the callback - this is called by Boze, you shouldn't call this
- FriendManager - Class in dev.boze.api.client
Friend manager
- FriendManager() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.client.FriendManager
- fromJson(JsonObject) - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- fromJson(JsonObject) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.config.Serializable
- fromJson(JsonObject) - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBind
- fromJson(JsonObject) - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingColor
- fromJson(JsonObject) - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingMode
- fromJson(JsonObject) - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingSlider
- fromJson(JsonObject) - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingToggle
- get() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventTick.Post
Gets the event instance - this is called at the end of a tick by Boze, and should not be called by addons
- get() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventTick.Pre
Gets the event instance - this is called at the start of a tick by Boze, and should not be called by addons
- get(boolean) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Interact
Gets the event instance - this is called once a tick by Boze, and should not be called by addons
- get(boolean) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventPlayerUpdate
Gets the event instance - this is called once a tick by Boze, and should not be called by addons
- get(float, float, boolean) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Rotate
Gets the event instance - this is called once a tick by Boze, and should not be called by addons
- get(float, float, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventInput
Gets the event instance - this is called by Boze, and should not be called by addons
- get(ToggleableModule, boolean) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.addon.event.EventToggleAddonModule
Gets the event instance - this is called when a ToggleableModule is toggled by Boze, and should not be called by addons
- get(Drawer3D, MatrixStack, Camera, float) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventWorldRender
Get the event instance - this is called onm world render by Boze, and should not be called by addons
- get(DrawContext, Drawer2D, DrawerText, float) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventHudRender
Gets the event instance - this is called when the HUD is being rendered by Boze, and should not be called by addons
- getA() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- getAddonDir() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.Globals
- getAddons() - Method in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
Get all registered addons
- getB() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- getBind() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- getBind() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.input.Bind
- getBind() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBind
- getBindName(Bind) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.input.InputNameProvider
Get the name of a bind
- getButtonName(int) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.input.InputNameProvider
Get the name of a (mouse) button
- getButtonName(int) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IInput
- getCapes() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
- getChat() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
- getDescription() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- getDir() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.Addon
- getDispatcher() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.addon.command.AddonDispatcher
- getDispatcher() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.command.DefaultDispatcher
- getDispatchers() - Method in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
Gets a list of all addon dispatchers
- getFriends() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
- getG() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- getGradientX() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- getGradientY() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- getHeight() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Get the height of the text without a shadow
- getHeight(boolean) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Get the height of the text
- getHueOffset() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- getInput() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
- getInteraction() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
- getJson() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
- getKeyName(int) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.input.InputNameProvider
Get the name of a (keyboard) key
- getKeyName(int) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IInput
- getMaxHue() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- getMinHue() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- getModeName() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingMode
- getModes() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingMode
- getModule() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.event.EventToggleAddonModule
Gets the module that was toggled
- getModules() - Method in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
Gets a list of all modules registered by addons
- getModules() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
- getName() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- getNewState() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.event.EventToggleAddonModule
Gets the new state of the module
- getPitch() - Method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Rotate
Gets the pitch
- getPrefix() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.addon.command.AddonDispatcher
Notice: This is not the same as the command prefix in the config, this is the prefix for the addon's commands All commands must still start with the global command prefix, followed by the addon prefix (without space) For example, for a command "example" with addon prefix "ex", the command would be ".ex-example ..."
- getPrefix() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.command.DefaultDispatcher
- getR() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- getRender() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
- getRGBA() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- getRotation() - Method in class dev.boze.api.interaction.PlaceInteraction
- getRotation() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.interaction.RotateInteraction
- getSources() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapesManager
Get all cape sources, from all addons
- getSources() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.ICapes
- getSpeed() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- getState() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- getState(String) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IModules
- getState(String) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.module.ModuleHelper
Get the state of a module
- getTitle() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- getUrl(GameProfile) - Method in class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapeSource
Returns url (to a png) for a given profile
- getValue() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBase
- getValue() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBind
- getValue() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingColor
- getValue() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingMode
- getValue() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingSlider
- getValue() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingToggle
- getWidth(String) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Get the width of the text without a shadow
- getWidth(String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Get the width of the text
- getYaw() - Method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Rotate
Gets the yaw
- Globals - Class in dev.boze.api
Globals class
- Globals() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.Globals
- hand - Variable in class dev.boze.api.interaction.PlaceInteraction
- ICapes - Interface in dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces
- IChat - Interface in dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces
- id - Variable in class dev.boze.api.addon.Addon
- IFriends - Interface in dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces
- IInput - Interface in dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces
- IInteraction - Interface in dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces
- IJson - Interface in dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces
- IModules - Interface in dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces
- initialize() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.Addon
- InputNameProvider - Class in dev.boze.api.input
Input Name Provider, used to get the name of a key or button
- InputNameProvider() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.input.InputNameProvider
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
The instance of Boze API
- Instances - Class in dev.boze.api.internal
- Instances() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
- Interact() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Interact
- Interaction - Interface in dev.boze.api.interaction
Interaction Represents an interaction with the server This can be used to rotate, place, or break blocks, interact with entities, etc.
- interactions - Variable in class dev.boze.api.event.EventPlayerUpdate
- InvalidResponse - Enum constant in enum class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapeLoadResult
Server/website did not respond with a cape texture
- IRender - Interface in dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces
- isBozeInteracting() - Method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventPlayerUpdate
Addons that wish to have a lower priority than Boze should check this method
- isButton() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.input.Bind
- isButton() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBind
- isDirty() - Method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Interact
- isFriend(String) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.client.FriendManager
- isFriend(String) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IFriends
- isSet() - Method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Rotate
Addons that wish to have a lower priority than Boze should check this method
- JsonTools - Class in dev.boze.api.config
Interface for saving and loading json objects
- JsonTools() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.config.JsonTools
- jumping - Variable in class dev.boze.api.event.EventInput
Jumping and sneaking flags
- line(double, double, double, double, double, double, DrawColor) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer3D
Draw a line
- line(double, double, double, double, double, double, DrawColor, DrawColor) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer3D
Draw a line
- loadObject(Addon, String, Serializable<T>) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.config.JsonTools
Loads to object from a file
- loadObject(Addon, String, Serializable<T>) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IJson
- matrices - Variable in class dev.boze.api.event.EventWorldRender
- max - Variable in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingSlider
- min - Variable in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingSlider
- ModuleHelper - Class in dev.boze.api.module
ModuleHelper provides a way to interact with Boze modules
- ModuleHelper() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.module.ModuleHelper
- ModuleNotFoundException - Exception Class in dev.boze.api.exception
- ModuleNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class dev.boze.api.exception.ModuleNotFoundException
- modules - Variable in class dev.boze.api.addon.Addon
- movementForward - Variable in class dev.boze.api.event.EventInput
- movementSideways - Variable in class dev.boze.api.event.EventInput
Sideways and forwards movement -1F to 1F
- name - Variable in class dev.boze.api.addon.Addon
- name - Variable in class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapeSource
- name - Variable in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBase
- newColor() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IRender
- newColor(int) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IRender
- newColor(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IRender
- onDisable() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- onEnable() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- outlinedBox(Box, DrawColor, DrawColor) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer3D
Draw an outlined box
- owner - Variable in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBase
- pitch - Variable in class dev.boze.api.interaction.Rotation
Pitch to rotate to
- place(PlaceInteraction) - Method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Interact
Execute a place interaction
- PlaceInteraction - Class in dev.boze.api.interaction
Place Interaction Represents a place interaction with the server
- PlaceInteraction(Runnable, Rotation, BlockPos, Direction, Hand, boolean, int) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.interaction.PlaceInteraction
Creates a new place interaction
- pos - Variable in class dev.boze.api.interaction.PlaceInteraction
- post(Object) - Method in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
Post an event
- Post() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.event.EventTick.Post
- Pre() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.event.EventTick.Pre
- quad(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, DrawColor) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer3D
Draw a quad
- quad(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, DrawColor, DrawColor, DrawColor, DrawColor) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer3D
Draw a quad
- quad(double, double, double, double, DrawColor) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer2D
Draw a quad
- quad(double, double, double, double, DrawColor, DrawColor, DrawColor, DrawColor) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer2D
Draw a quad
- registerAddon(Addon) - Method in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
Register an addon
- registerPackage(String) - Method in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
Registers a (java) package into the event bus
- removeSource(CapeSource) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapesManager
Remove a cape source
- removeSource(CapeSource) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.ICapes
- reset() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBase
- reset() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBind
- reset() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingColor
- reset() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingMode
- reset() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingSlider
- reset() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingToggle
- Rotate() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Rotate
- RotateInteraction - Interface in dev.boze.api.interaction
Rotate Interaction
- Rotation - Class in dev.boze.api.interaction
- Rotation(float, float) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.interaction.Rotation
- RotationHelper - Class in dev.boze.api.interaction
- RotationHelper() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.interaction.RotationHelper
- saveObject(Addon, String, Serializable<?>) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.config.JsonTools
Saves an object to a file
- saveObject(Addon, String, Serializable<?>) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IJson
- sendError(String) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.client.ChatHelper
Send an error to the chat
- sendError(String) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IChat
- sendError(String, String) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.client.ChatHelper
Send an error to the chat with a title
- sendError(String, String) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IChat
- sendMsg(String) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.client.ChatHelper
Send a message to the chat
- sendMsg(String) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IChat
- sendMsg(String, String) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.client.ChatHelper
Send a message to the chat with a title
- sendMsg(String, String) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IChat
- sendWarning(String) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.client.ChatHelper
Send a warning to the chat
- sendWarning(String) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IChat
- sendWarning(String, String) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.client.ChatHelper
Send a warning to the chat with a title
- sendWarning(String, String) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IChat
- Serializable<T> - Interface in dev.boze.api.config
Interface for serializable objects (settings, modules, etc.)
- set(float, float) - Method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Rotate
- setA(int) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- setB(int) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- setBind(int, boolean) - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBind
- setBind(Bind) - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- setBind(Bind) - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBind
- setG(int) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- setGradientX(double) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- setGradientY(double) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- setHueOffset(double) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- setMaxHue(double) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- setMinHue(double) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- setR(int) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- setRGBA(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- setSpeed(double) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
- setState(boolean) - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- setState(String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IModules
- setState(String, boolean) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.module.ModuleHelper
Set the state of a module
- SettingBase<T> - Class in dev.boze.api.setting
- SettingBase(ToggleableModule, String, String) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBase
- SettingBind - Class in dev.boze.api.setting
- SettingBind(ToggleableModule, String, String) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBind
- SettingBind(ToggleableModule, String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBind
- SettingColor - Class in dev.boze.api.setting
- SettingColor(ToggleableModule, String, String, DrawColor) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingColor
- SettingMode - Class in dev.boze.api.setting
- SettingMode(ToggleableModule, String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingMode
- SettingMode(ToggleableModule, String, String, List<String>, int) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingMode
- settings - Variable in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- SettingSlider - Class in dev.boze.api.setting
- SettingSlider(ToggleableModule, String, String, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingSlider
- SettingToggle - Class in dev.boze.api.setting
- SettingToggle(ToggleableModule, String, String) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingToggle
- SettingToggle(ToggleableModule, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingToggle
- setTitle(String) - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- setValue(Bind) - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBind
- setValue(DrawColor) - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingColor
- setValue(Boolean) - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingToggle
- setValue(Double) - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingSlider
- setValue(Integer) - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingMode
- setValue(T) - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBase
- shutdown() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.Addon
- slot - Variable in class dev.boze.api.interaction.PlaceInteraction
- SlotHelper - Class in dev.boze.api.interaction
SlotHelper, for checking and syncing hotbar slot between client and server
- SlotHelper() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.interaction.SlotHelper
- sneaking - Variable in class dev.boze.api.event.EventInput
- startDrawing() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer2D
Start drawing
- startDrawing() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer3D
Start drawing
- startDrawing(double) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Start drawing
- startSizing(double) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Start sizing Lets you use the width and height methods, without rendering the text
- step - Variable in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingSlider
- stopDrawing() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer2D
Stop drawing
- stopDrawing() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer3D
Stop drawing
- stopDrawing() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Stop drawing
- stopDrawing(DrawContext) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer2D
Stop drawing
- stopDrawing(DrawContext) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Stop drawing
- stopDrawing(MatrixStack) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.Drawer3D
Stop drawing
- stopSizing() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Stop sizing
- subscribe(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
Subscribes a class to listen to events
- subscribe(Object) - Method in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
Subscribes an object to listen to events
- Success - Enum constant in enum class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapeLoadResult
Cape loaded successfully
- swing - Variable in class dev.boze.api.interaction.PlaceInteraction
- sync() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.interaction.SlotHelper
Sync client-side hotbar slot with server
- sync() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IInteraction
- text - Variable in class dev.boze.api.event.EventHudRender
The drawer for text rendering
- tickDelta - Variable in class dev.boze.api.event.EventHudRender
The current tick delta
- tickDelta - Variable in class dev.boze.api.event.EventWorldRender
- ToggleableModule - Class in dev.boze.api.addon.module
- ToggleableModule(String, String) - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- toJson() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
- toJson() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.config.Serializable
- toJson() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBind
- toJson() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingColor
- toJson() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingMode
- toJson() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingSlider
- toJson() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingToggle
- unsubscribe(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
Unsubscribes a class to listen to events
- unsubscribe(Object) - Method in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
Unsubscribes an object to listen to events
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapeLoadResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapeLoadResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- version - Variable in class dev.boze.api.addon.Addon
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