Class EventHudRender


public class EventHudRender extends Object
Event called when the HUD is being rendered

Used for 2D rendering

  • Field Details

    • context

      public net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawContext context
      The current draw context
    • drawer

      public Drawer2D drawer
      The drawer for 2d rendering
    • text

      public DrawerText text
      The drawer for text rendering
    • tickDelta

      public float tickDelta
      The current tick delta
  • Constructor Details

    • EventHudRender

      public EventHudRender()
  • Method Details

    • get

      public static EventHudRender get(net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawContext context, Drawer2D drawer, DrawerText text, float tickDelta)
      Gets the event instance - this is called when the HUD is being rendered by Boze, and should not be called by addons
      context - The current draw context
      drawer - The drawer for 2d rendering
      text - The drawer for text rendering
      tickDelta - The current tick delta
      The event instance