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get() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventTick.Post
Gets the event instance - this is called at the end of a tick by Boze, and should not be called by addons
get() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventTick.Pre
Gets the event instance - this is called at the start of a tick by Boze, and should not be called by addons
get(boolean) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Interact
Gets the event instance - this is called once a tick by Boze, and should not be called by addons
get(boolean) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventPlayerUpdate
Gets the event instance - this is called once a tick by Boze, and should not be called by addons
get(float, float, boolean) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Rotate
Gets the event instance - this is called once a tick by Boze, and should not be called by addons
get(float, float, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventInput
Gets the event instance - this is called by Boze, and should not be called by addons
get(ToggleableModule, boolean) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.addon.event.EventToggleAddonModule
Gets the event instance - this is called when a ToggleableModule is toggled by Boze, and should not be called by addons
get(Drawer3D, MatrixStack, Camera, float) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventWorldRender
Get the event instance - this is called onm world render by Boze, and should not be called by addons
get(DrawContext, Drawer2D, DrawerText, float) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventHudRender
Gets the event instance - this is called when the HUD is being rendered by Boze, and should not be called by addons
getA() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
getAddonDir() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.Globals
getAddons() - Method in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
Get all registered addons
getB() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
getBind() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
getBind() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.input.Bind
getBind() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBind
getBindName(Bind) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.input.InputNameProvider
Get the name of a bind
getButtonName(int) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.input.InputNameProvider
Get the name of a (mouse) button
getButtonName(int) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IInput
getCapes() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
getChat() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
getDescription() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
getDir() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.Addon
getDispatcher() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.addon.command.AddonDispatcher
getDispatcher() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.command.DefaultDispatcher
getDispatchers() - Method in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
Gets a list of all addon dispatchers
getFriends() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
getG() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
getGradientX() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
getGradientY() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
getHeight() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Get the height of the text without a shadow
getHeight(boolean) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Get the height of the text
getHueOffset() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
getInput() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
getInteraction() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
getJson() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
getKeyName(int) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.input.InputNameProvider
Get the name of a (keyboard) key
getKeyName(int) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IInput
getMaxHue() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
getMinHue() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
getModeName() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingMode
getModes() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingMode
getModule() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.event.EventToggleAddonModule
Gets the module that was toggled
getModules() - Method in class dev.boze.api.BozeInstance
Gets a list of all modules registered by addons
getModules() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
getName() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
getNewState() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.event.EventToggleAddonModule
Gets the new state of the module
getPitch() - Method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Rotate
Gets the pitch
getPrefix() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.addon.command.AddonDispatcher
Notice: This is not the same as the command prefix in the config, this is the prefix for the addon's commands All commands must still start with the global command prefix, followed by the addon prefix (without space) For example, for a command "example" with addon prefix "ex", the command would be ".ex-example ..."
getPrefix() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.command.DefaultDispatcher
getR() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
getRender() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.internal.Instances
getRGBA() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
getRotation() - Method in class dev.boze.api.interaction.PlaceInteraction
getRotation() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.interaction.RotateInteraction
getSources() - Static method in class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapesManager
Get all cape sources, from all addons
getSources() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.ICapes
getSpeed() - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawColor
getState() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
getState(String) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.internal.interfaces.IModules
getState(String) - Static method in class dev.boze.api.module.ModuleHelper
Get the state of a module
getTitle() - Method in class dev.boze.api.addon.module.ToggleableModule
getUrl(GameProfile) - Method in class dev.boze.api.client.cape.CapeSource
Returns url (to a png) for a given profile
getValue() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBase
getValue() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingBind
getValue() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingColor
getValue() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingMode
getValue() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingSlider
getValue() - Method in class dev.boze.api.setting.SettingToggle
getWidth(String) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Get the width of the text without a shadow
getWidth(String, boolean) - Method in interface dev.boze.api.render.DrawerText
Get the width of the text
getYaw() - Method in class dev.boze.api.event.EventGrim.Rotate
Gets the yaw
Globals - Class in dev.boze.api
Globals class
Globals() - Constructor for class dev.boze.api.Globals
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form